Sport Maskottchen

Sport Maskottchen – Die Maskottchen warten schon gespannt darauf, dass Sie sie treffen. Hier finden Sie Anweisungen, wie Sie Maskottchen bestellen können. Wir helfen Ihnen auch mit Tipps, wie Sie das Maskottchen für Marketing und Animation verwenden können.

Sport Maskottchen

A good mascot significantly contributes to the visibility of companies and brands.

Marketing campaigns are easier, funnier, more visible and more effective.



Our mascots are made from top quality materials and are technically and artistically perfect.

We make the mascot according to your proposal or we jointly develop its final look.




T: +386 (0) 31 471 989 E:

Sport Maskottchen
Sport Maskottchen


T: +386 (0) 31 471 989 E:

Frequently asked questions about Sport Maskottchen

 mascot Happy


mascot Happy

We would like to have a mascot but have no idea. What to do? Simply call or email us. Together we will come up with an idea and a final result. We have an idea, but we do not have a picture, drawing… We can provide the sketch. Together, we form it to mutual satisfaction.

How long does it take from the idea to the final mascot? Time of the sketch finalization and the mascot production is very different. It depends on several factors, mainly on the sequence of the orders. Usually 1-6 weeks.

What about the delivery? We send mascots by mail or deliver them in person, free of charge.

What about the copyrights? By paying the bill, all the rights belong to the client. We reserve the right to publish photographs of a mascot for marketing purposes.

What is the “life time” of a mascot? The mascot can perform its mission for a long time. With proper handling, storage and cleaning, there are no worries for several years.



From the idea to the Sport Maskottchen


The process of creating sport mascots takes place in three steps!

1.  Sport Maskottchen IDEAS

  If you already have an idea, a big problem is solved. The idea in the form of a drawing, a sketch, 3D design, etc. … will speed up the process and the mascot can go immediately into production. Do you have an idea in your head only or you don’t have it at all? Contact us and we will develop it together to its final look.

2. Sport Maskottchen DESIGN

After a detailed discussion with you, we draw design of the mascot with corrections to fulfill your expectation. Once you approve it, the mascot goes immediately into production.

3. Sport Maskottchen PRODUCTION

Once the sketch is approved, the mascot goes into production. We select materials, the size and all the details set before … and the skilled hands of our team will create a wonderful product.

Accessories for Sport Maskottchen

Accessories and spare parts for mascots   We make spare gloves, shoes, feet, tail, hoof, ear, hair…. on demand. Do you have an old mascot, missing a body part? Are the shoes already worn out? We can equip mascots with accessories for easy and efficient animation. We can add winter or summer options, cheerleading equipment, skis, hats, jewelry, caps, watches, flags, bags, Santa’s hats, etc.

Mascot stand   Some mascots should not be stored in a position in which they can lose their shape! Therefore we recommend a stand, which will keep the mascot `s shape. The stand is small and practical. Order it together with the mascot to prevent the risk of deformation.

Mascot bag   Mascots are easily transferred to animation venue and back. The bag protects it from the weather and dirt. Transportation is easier and simpler. There is no need to be afraid that the mascot would get dirty during the transport, because the bag is easier to wash than a mascot. Bags are made of two different materials: parachute cloth or leatherette. The bags come in size M, L, XL or on request.

Custom made mascot


Custom made mascot

What do you gain with Sport Maskottchen?

A good mascot significantly contributes to the visibility of your company and brand.


  • Marketing campaigns are easier, funnier, more visible and more effective.
  • Mascot strengthens the brand and increases its recognition.
  • Mascot attracts new customers and investors.
  • With a mascot you can create new activities of promotion.
  • With a mascot you can advertise new products.
  • It is suitable for trade fairs and major events where it stands out among your competitors.
  • People like to take photos with mascots. Take advantage of this for a marketing campaign. A mascot offers the possibility of developing various souvenirs with its image. Plush toys, key chains, mugs…
mascots for marketing
mascots for marketing


1. Mascots can attract new sponsors    For example, a department store sponsors the Tampa Bay Lightning mascots, Thunderbug and Ladybug.

This sponsorship would not have been likely if the team did not have the mascots, and allows the department to leverage its relationship to the team by frequent store appearances by the popular characters.

2. Mascots allow you to build new promotions You can build new promotions with your mascot on a single game or repeat basis. Promotions might include a mascot game at half time, or a pizza giveaway delivered by your mascot at each game.

3. Merchandise You can create merchandise for your mascot Character that can be sold to generate significant revenue. Plush Dolls, T-shirts, key chains, etc. can all be developed around your character and represent another product in your retail merchandise offerings.

4. Appearances Your character can charge for appearances. You should be able to create celebrity status with your character. We have heard to some teams charging up to $600.00 per hour for local corporate events.

5. Entertainment Experience A great mascot can add to the entertainment experience for the fan. It is rare that a team can play its absolute best all game, every game. A mascot can make fans feel they were still entertained, even if it wasn’t the team’s best game.

6. Visibility A mascot can give the team high visibility in the community. Players aren’t always available for public appearances, and your mascot may be more easily recognized. When Street Characters President Glenn Street spoke at the NHL League meetings this summer, one team representative said “When we take our franchise player and our mascot and send them down the street, more people will recognize the Mascot than the playerÓ. To the average person a mascot can be easily associated with its team.

T: +386 (0) 31 471 989 E:

Sport Maskottchen production – Quality from Slovenia

Sport Maskottchen
Sport Maskottchen



Visit Facebook Mascot Galery HERE

Mascots from Slovenia


Mascots from Slovenia

K   T   C    M  A  S  C    M  A S   E Izdelava maskot

Izdelava maskot
Izdelava maskot


Od ideje do maskote – Izdelava maskot

Proces nastajanja maskote poteka v treh korakih! 1. IDEJA Če jo že imate, je velik problem rešen. Ideja v obliki risbe, skice, 3d dizajna, ipd…bo postopek pospešila in maskota lahko gre takoj v produkcijo. Imate idejo samo v glavi ali pa je sploh ni? Kontaktirajte nas in skupaj jo bomo razvili do končnega izgleda. 2. DIZAJN Po izčrpnem pogovoru z Vami, narišemo dizajn maskote. Ko ga odobrite, gre maskota takoj v izdelavo, če ne, ga popravljamo do obojestranskega zadovoljstva. 3. IZDELAVA Ko je skica odobrena, gre maskota v produkcijo. Izberemo materiale, velikost, podrobnosti…in spretne roke naše ekipe bodo pričarale čudovit izdelek. Pomembno: Naročilo samih skic, predlogov, kreativnih rešitev ipd , brez naročila maskote, ni mogoče! Če med kreativnim procesom od naročila maskote odstopite, vam kreativne rešitve zaračunamo!

Kaj pridobite z maskoto? Izdelava maskot za podjetja in športne ekipe

Dobra maskota bistveno pripomore k prepoznavnosti podjetja in blagovne znamke.

Marketinške akcije so lažje, zabavnejše, prepoznavnejše in uspešnejše!

Maskota utrjuje blagovno znamko in povečuje prepoznavnost. Maskota pritegne nove kupce in investitorje. Z maskoto ustvarite nove promocijske aktivnosti. Z maskoto oglašujete nove produkte. Primerna je za sejme in večje prireditve, kjer med množico ponudnikov izstopa. Z maskoto se radi slikajo. Izkoristite to za marketinško akcijo. Maskota ponuja možnost razvoja spominkov z njeno podobo. Plišaste igračke, obeski za ključe, skodelice,..

izdelava maskot
izdelava maskot


3 ključi do uspeha z maskoto – Izdelava maskot – Sport Maskottchen

1. DOBRA MASKOTA Vrhunski materiali, brezhibna izdelava in odličen vizualni efekt. Poleg tega mora maskota imeti dober “faktor za objemanje” – večji, kot je bolj si ljudje želijo objemanja z njo. Bolj si jo zapomnijo in radi se z njo slikajo.

2. DOBRI ANIMATORJI Dobrega animatorja naredijo trije momenti. Najboljši so rahlo introvertirani z zdravim smislom za humor. V maskoti so anonimni in z užitkom izražajo čustva, ki jih drugače ne bi. Extrovertirani imajo težave s potlačenjem svoje osebnosti v dobro maskote. Animator se mora dobro razumeti z osebami vseh starosti, posebej še z otroci. Biti mora prijazen in spoštljiv.

3. PODPORA PODJETJA Podjetje mora maskoto obravnavati kot integrirani del marketinških akcij in odnosov z javnostjo. Akcije z maskoto morajo biti premišljene in načrtovane, zato je potrebno tesno sodelovanje z animatorsko ekipo. Nenazadnje mora podjetje nuditi znatno moralno podporo, da ne omenjamo logistične, administrativne in finančne.

izdelava maskot
izdelava maskot

IZDELAVA MASKOT – Sport Maskottchen anfertigung

Maskoto si želimo, vendar nimamo ideje. Kaj storiti? Enostavno nas pokličite ali nam pišite. Skupaj bomo prišli do ideje in končnega rezultata. Imamo idejo, vendar nimamo slike, skice… Za skico poskrbimo mi. Skupaj jo oblikujemo do obojestranskega zadovoljstva. Koliko časa traja od ideje do končane maskote? Čas izdelave skice je maskote  zelo različen. Odvisen je od več faktorjev, najbolj pa od naročil pred Vami. Običajno je 1-6 tednov. Kako je z dostavo? Maskoto brezplačno pošljemo po pošti ali dostavimo osebno. Kako je z avtorskimi pravicami? S plačilom računa vse pravice pripadajo naročniku. Mi si samo pridržujemo pravico objave fotografij maskote v marketinške namene. Kolikšen je “rok trajanja” maskote? Maskota lahko opravlja svoje poslanstvo dolgo časa. Ob pravilnem ravnanju, skladiščenju in čiščenju ste brez skrbi kar nekaj let.

Sport Maskottchen
Sport Maskottchen

Zakaj izbrati nas? Sport Maskottchen for your team!

Izdelava maskot bo bistveno vplivala na prepoznavnost blagovne znamke!

Zakaj izbrati nas? 20 let ustvarjanja in izkušenj Kilometrina nam daje prednost pred ostalimi

Vrhunski materiali Uporabljamo materiale navišje kvalitete iz Slovenije in tujine.

Umetniški pridih Naši oblikovalci so umetniške duše

Hitra odzivnost in prijaznost Na vaš klic odgovorimo 24/h na dan. Na E-pošto odpišemo v nekaj urah.

Zanesljivost Dogovorov in rokov izdelave se zmeraj držimo

Brezplačen dizajn in kreativni razvoj maskote Plačate samo izdelavo maskote.

Brezplačna dostava Maskoto brezplačno dostavimo osebno ali po pošti

Vzdržljivost Kvalitetna izdelava in materiali podaljšajo življensko dobo maskote

Servis Zagotovljeno čiščenje in popravilo maskot

Animacijski team Nimate animatorjev? So Vam odpovedali tik pred zdajci? Pokličite nas.

Narejeno v Sloveniji Not Made in China

sport mascots
sport mascots


T: +386 (0) 31 471 989 E:

Obiščite Facebook galerijoTUKAJ


Mascot production from Slovenia


Mascot production from Slovenia

Commercial posts to improve SEO optimization



Servis – Izdelava maskot – Sport mascots – Sport Maskottchen

ČIŠČENJE Maskoto očistimo, operemo, globinsko posesamo. Povrnjen bo njen stari sijaj in spet bo glavna zvezda na Vaših prireditvah.

MANJŠA POPRAVILA Raztrganine pošijemo, zakrpamo…Izrabljene dele zamenjamo. Maskoto detaljno pregledamo od zunaj in od znotraj. Poškodbe saniramo.

SKLADIŠČENJE V primeru problema skladiščenja Vaših maskot, priskočimo na pomoč. Maskote lahko skladiščite pri nas. Ko jih boste spet potrebovali, Vas bodo čakale pripravljene in v najboljši formi.

Priporočamo sočasno naročilo Čiščenja in Manjših popravil! Čas, ki ga porabimo je različen od maskote do maskote. Raztrgana, umazana in smrdeča maskota bo naredila več škode, kot koristi, zato jo redno vzdržujte in pravilno skladiščite! Zgoraj naveden usluge nudimo samo za maskote, izdelane pri nas!

maskote Kuponko Bojan
maskote Kuponko Bojan

Why choose us? – Izdelava maskot – Sport mascots – Sport Maskottchen

  • 20 years of creating and experience Mileage gives us an advantage over other.
  • Superior materials We use quality materials from Slovenia and abroad.
  • Artistic flair Our designers are artistic soul.
  • Quick response and kindness We respond to your call 24/h per day. We reply on e-mails within a few hours.
  • Reliability Arrangements and production deadlines are always kept.
  • Free design and creative development of mascots You pay only production of the mascots.
  • Free Shipping Mascot is delivered free by mail or personal delivery.
  • Durability Quality construction and materials prolong the service life of mascots.
  • Service Guaranteed cleaning service and repair mascots
  • Animation team You do not have animators? They canceled at the last minute? Give us a call.
  • Made in Slovenia Not Made in China

T: +386 (0) 31 471 989 E:

sport mascots
sport mascots




Rojstni dan za otroke Celje – Lokacija: Pušn šank pr’ Tini

M A S K O T T C H E N  M A S C O T S  M A S K O T E

Tabori 2020

Simple site

Having a mascot will help build your brand identity and will definitely strengthen your stand on the market. Given this, it will make your brand more recognizable and become top of the mind of the consumers.

Since 2000, we’ve been creating delightfully original and bespoke mascots. Each mascot is made-to-order, bringing to life and reflecting our clients’ concepts, goals, and aspirations … and, unlike other businesses in the field, we never (ever) work with a ‘stock’ of pre-designed mascots or outsource our work.

Each of our one-of-a-kind mascots is both hand-made and custom-made with luxury features coming as standard. We only work to one level, and that is Premium. Yes, this is more expensive, but hey, you wouldn’t expect to get a Mercedes on the cheap.

Class Activities

Date : 17 Oct 2020